Inside Iowa State
March 8, 1996
Stadium will have grass by mid-May
by Anne Dolan
That green stuff you'll see on Jack Trice Field in Cyclone Stadium by mid-May is grass. As in real.
Work began this week to remove the artificial turf and demolish the surface on which the turf lay. The football stadium has had artificial turf since it opened in 1975. The current turf was installed in 1985.
By the middle of this month, crews will begin installing a sprinkling and drainage system. Sod is expected to be in by May 6. A 60-day growing period is required before the football team can use the field.
Fund raising for the $1.2 million project is complete, built on a $500,000 gift from an anonymous donor and a $150,000 gift of cash and in-kind services from Dwayne McAninch, owner of McAninch Corp., West Des Moines.
Scott Barnes, director of development for the athletic department, said an important -- and gratifying -- part of the "Let It Grow" campaign was the large number of gifts. An estimated 320 donors made gifts in the $50 to $1,000 range.
"That's an unusually large number of donors, but we wanted everyone to have an opportunity to be involved. That was our game plan," Barnes said. "That's why we started the gifts at $50."
The estimated cost of installing grass is $800,000. A cover for the field to be used during stadium concerts cost $100,000. Barnes said the type of cover ISU selected can remain on the field for up to 72 hours without damaging the sod.
The project budget also includes $300,000 for planning and a contingency fund. Barnes said any unused funds will be used for improvements to the football practice field.
Inside Iowa State
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