Inside Iowa State
Two new e-mail addresses have been set up for Inside Iowa State. Announcements and general information may be sent to: inside@iastate.edu. Calendar information may be sent to: calendar@iastate.edu. Information also may be sent by fax to 4-9748 (4-4654 for calendar), or through campus mail to 217 Communications (100 Communications for calendar).FOREIGN TRAVEL GRANTS
Foreign travel grant applications are due in the Faculty Senate Office, 101 Lab of Mechanics, by April 12. Check with deans' offices for college deadlines. Applications should be submitted no more than two semesters before travel is planned.PRESIDENT'S BREAKFAST
The next Breakfast with the President will be held Thursday, March 14, in 253 Durham.The breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m. Coffee, tea and pastries will be provided. For reservations, call 4-2042.
English-speaking volunteers are needed for the Conversational English Program, which matches international students and visitors with volunteers. Participants meet one hour a week. No prior experience is needed. For more information, contact Dongwang Liu, Office of International Students, 4 Hamilton, 4-1120.CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION
The department of animal science will celebrate its 100th anniversary Sunday, March 24, at the Iowa State Center. A buffet lunch ($15) begins at 11 a.m., followed by a program from 1 to 3:30 p.m.Speakers will include President Martin Jischke; College of Agriculture Dean David Topel; Dennis Marple, head of the animal science department; and Richard Willham, distinguished professor of animal science. Willham's book, A Heritage of Leadership: A History, traces the department's history and will be released during the celebration.
A reunion and barbecue ($10) for former faculty, students and judging team members will be held at Kildee Hall after the program. For registration and information, call 4-5961.
Nomination forms for college at-large Faculty Senate senators are available from departmental secretaries or the Faculty Senate Office. Nominations are due March 29 and should be sent to: Floyd Manwiller Faculty Senate Office 103 Lab of Mechanics.The following colleges have positions open: Agriculture (2), Education (1), Engineering (1) and Liberal Arts and Sciences (3).
Following are the senators selected for three-year terms in departmental elections: Agriculture: Michael Duffy, economics; Floyd Manwiller forestry; Business: Marvin Bouillon, accounting; Gary Aitchison, management; Roy Teas, marketing; Design: Clare Cardinal-Pett, architecture; Dorothy Fowles, art and design; Education: Frank Schabel, health and human performance.
Also: Engineering: James Hill, chemical engineering; Max Porter, civil and construction engineering; Chris Schilling, materials sciences and engineering. Liberal Arts and Sciences: Suraj Kothari, computer science; Hamilton Cravens, history; Barbara Mack, journalism and mass communication; William Wyatt, military science; Dennis Ross, physics and astronomy; Ardith Maney, political science; Ron Peters, psychology; Jack Girton, zoology and genetics. Veterinary Medicine: Srdija Jeftinija, anatomy; Michael Taylor, physiology and pharmacology.
Eighty ISU employees will be inducted into the 25-Year Club at the annual banquet Wednesday, March 27. Nineteen current employees with 35 years of service also will be honored. Dinner begins at 7 p.m. in 220 Scheman, preceded by a social at 6:15 p.m. in the Brunnier Gallery. An after-dinner program will feature Lynette Pohlman, director of University Museums.All honorees are guests of the 25-Year Club. Dinner tickets for others are $14 per person. Reservations should be made by Monday, March 18, by calling 4-3830.
Odyssey of the Mind will hold a regional competition at Iowa State Saturday, March 9, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nearly 160 student teams from 24 central Iowa communities will compete for the right to go on to the state event March 25. Competitions will be held in the P.E. Building, Marston, Carver and Pearson halls, and the MacKay and LeBaron auditoriums.Odyssey of the Mind is an international, problem-solving competition that emphasizes creativity and teamwork.
Tickets are on sale for the 1996 Stars Over Veishea production, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. The play will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, April 18-20, at Stephens Auditorium. Tickets are $9.50 to $12.50 and available from the Iowa State Center box office or TicketMaster locations.SPECIAL OLYMPICS
Volunteers are needed for the Iowa Special Olympics Summer Games, held May 23-25 at Iowa State. Volunteers are needed 1- 5 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 12:30- 5 p.m. Friday, and 7:30 a.m.-noon Saturday. The biggest need for volunteers is on Friday.Volunteers need no special skills or training for most assignments. Volunteers escort athletes to and from competition sites, assist event coordinators, present awards and provide clerical support. Volunteers also are needed for a series of leisure activities held in the residence complex where the athletes stay.
Volunteer forms are at the Memorial Union main desk, 16 Beardshear or Osborn Cottage. For information, call 232-4032.
Inside Iowa State
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Iowa State University
All rights reserved
Revised 3/7/96
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