Inside Iowa State
March 8, 1996
Jischke seeks comments on Pappas report
by Diana Pounds
President Martin Jischke will solicit comments about the recently released "Pappas report" during an open forum Thursday, March 21. The campus community is invited to the forum from 3:10 to 5 p.m. in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room.
Jischke said he would like to hear from a variety of faculty, staff and students before he develops the university response to the report. That response is due to the Iowa Board of Regents later in the spring.
The report, by Pappas Consulting Group Inc., is a follow-up to a 1989 organizational audit of the regents institutions, conducted by KPMG Peat Marwick. The regents had asked Pappas to assess the strategic direction of the board and its institutions, determine how well they had carried out the Peat Marwick recommendations and make further recommendations.
Pappas consultants complimented ISU for "a very thorough job of implementing the 1989 KPMG recommendations," rigorous self-examination and development of a strategic focus, and for achieving "a remarkable balance between education, research and entrepreneurial initiatives."
Among a variety of recommendations, the consultants called for:
Reallocation of 10 percent of institutions' operating budgets over a three-year period.
A review of Extension's structure, with an eye to charging for some services and providing tech transfer and economic development assistance through the 100-office system.
Redesign of the educational experience. Most of the Pappas report is available on the World Wide Web. (Click "regents report" from the main ISU homepage.) The report also is available in deans', DEOs' and directors' offices, Parks Library, and Faculty Senate and P&S Council offices.
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