Inside Iowa State
March 8, 1996
Cox drama honors German pianist
The music department will present a mini-drama about the life and music of 19th-century German composer and concert pianist Clara Schumann. The drama was written as a one-woman show by Jane Cox, associate professor of music.
The performance, which is free, begins at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 22, in the Recital Hall, Music Building. It features Cox in the role of Clara Schumann, reflecting on her life and often-conflicting roles as composer, mother, wife, daughter, music editor, concert pianist and colleague to other talented musicians.
Interspersed in the drama are performances of Schumann's work by Sue Haug, associate professor of music, in the concert role of Schumann, and Jean Thomas, adjunct instructor of music, as Jennie Lind, an artist assisting Schumann.
The script is based on the letters and biographies of Clara and Robert Schumann. The piano works include a piece written by the 11-year-old Clara Schumann and works written as gifts to her husband Robert.
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