Inside Iowa State
March 8, 1996
Business college is recruiting top execs for new program
by Michelle Johnson
Top senior-level business leaders will be brought to campus to interact with students, faculty, staff and administrators as part of an executive-in-residence program developed by the College of Business.
Business executives participating in the program will visit campus briefly to share professional experiences, give overviews of their industries and provide an external perspective on the college's programs. Participants also will make presentations that will be open to the university and Ames communities.
"The executive-in-residence program is a vital part of the college's effort to link theory and research with practice -- the thrust of our new strategic plan," said Ben Allen, dean of the business college.
College officials plan to select two or three executives a year who best represent all areas of the college, Allen said.
The executive-in-residence program is designed to strengthen educational programs in the college, allow students to interact directly with successful business leaders and generate new ideas for faculty research and outreach activities.
Inside Iowa State
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