Inside Iowa State
Feb. 23, 1996
VISION 2020 plan ready to go
by Anne Dolan
After a year of listening, anticipating and planning, VISION 2020 has reached its five-year implementation phase, supported by a $1.5 million grant from the Kellogg Foundation. Members of the ISU community are invited to develop pilot projects that address the needs that emerged from the planning phase as top priorities.
VISION 2020 is a nationwide project intended to anticipate what food production and delivery systems will be like in the year 2020 and what changes need to occur before then in educating and training food systems professionals. In partnership with Iowa's 15 community colleges, Iowa State is one of 12 teams participating in the Kellogg-funded project.
The Iowa team's planning process produced four goals for the implementation phase of VISION 2020:
To promote responsive food systems education.
To strengthen individuals and families as active participants in food systems.
To support a strong, diversified economy, especially related to food systems.
To improve food systems globally to benefit humanity. Attached to the goals are a total of 13 objectives. Proposed projects must be innovative and must relate to one of the goals or objectives. A subcommittee of the VISION 2020 steering committee will review proposals every four months beginning March 1.
"We're looking for projects that will have an impact," said Bill Silag, associate coordinator of VISION 2020. "Some of the proposals may look like community projects, others will look like curriculum committees."
Other factors the review subcommittee will consider include:
Composition of the proposal team. Mixed membership from ISU departments, community colleges and non-education organizations is encouraged, but not required.
Description of the proposal, including how and where activities will take place.
Explanation of how the proposal will bring about change and at what level that change will occur (departmental, inter-departmental, organizational or institutional, inter- institutional at the state, regional or national level)
Audience being targeted.
Time duration of proposal and dollar amount requested. For a copy of the VISION 2020 goals and objectives and a Request for Proposal, contact Silag or Ann Schultz, project coordinator, at 4-2092.
Inside Iowa State
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