Inside Iowa State
Feb. 23, 1996
Barjche '96 full of energy
Barjche, an energy-filled dance event for the whole family, will be at Fisher Theater March 1-3.
"Barjche combines outstanding original choreography with contemporary music in an exciting, two-hour program," said Laurie Sanda, choreographer and assistant professor in health and human performance.
Sanda will present two dances. "The first is called '344 counts' and is set to the music of J. S. Bach," she said. "It has been subtitled 'The Happy People's Dance' by my dancers."
Eluza Maria Santos, Vitoria, Brazil, is this year's guest artist. She is the winner of a national choreographic competition in Brazil.
The Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. The Sunday performance is at 2 p.m. The $5 tickets are available at the Iowa State Center ticket office or through TicketMaster.
Inside Iowa State
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