Inside Iowa State
Feb. 9, 1996
The Campus Ministers Association of Ames invites faculty, staff and administrators to a reception from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13, in the Westgate Center, Collegiate Presbyterian Church, Sheldon and West streets. A brief award program will begin at 5:15 p.m.
For more information, contact Crystal Caruana, 292-3810.
Nominations for the Student Affairs Human Relations Award are being sought in six categories: staff members with the Division of Student Affairs; undergraduate students; graduate students; student organizations; individuals affiliated with Iowa State in any capacity; and members of the Ames community. Nominations are due by 5 p.m. Friday, March 8. Winners will be announced during the spring Student Affairs division meeting. For nomination forms or more information, contact Mary Ann Rasnak, 4-1020, or Lois Becker, 4-2386.
"Land of the Fragile Giants: Landscapes, Environments, and People of the Loess Hills" will be on display at FirsTier Bank in Council Bluffs through March 1. The traveling exhibit is organized by the Brunnier Art Museum and features the work of 27 professional artists.
A weekly book group, sponsored by the department of family and consumer sciences education and studies, meets Wednesdays at 12:10 p.m. in 219A MacKay and is open to all. Participants may bring a sack lunch.
The two books being discussed this semester are Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, by M. Csikszentmihalyi (1990), and Teaching Against the Grain, by R. Simon (1992). Both are available at the University Book Store. For a schedule of weekly discussions, contact Frances Smith, 4- 6611, e-mail: fmsmith@iastate.edu.
Student Counseling Service is offering a workshop on enhancing interracial communication from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15. It is open to faculty, staff and students. In addition to reviewing cultural frameworks and communication styles of blacks and whites, it will offer a model of cross-cultural communication. Call Suzanne Zilber, 4-5056, to register or to schedule a trained facilitator to present the workshop to your class or organization. The location will be given when you register.
Inside Iowa State
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Revised 2/9/96
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