Inside Iowa State
Feb. 9, 1996NOTICE: This event has been canceled, due to a variety of caucus-related activities, including President Bill Clinton's visit to Iowa, Sunday.
Iowa State to host international press
An estimated 25 journalists representing newspapers and news agencies from around the world are scheduled to spend some time on campus Sunday afternoon, Feb. 11. However, the campus visit may be canceled, due to President Bill Clinton's stops in Iowa the same day.
The international journalists are in Iowa for the Feb. 12 caucuses. If they come to Iowa State Sunday, they will meet with ISU experts on economics and a balanced federal budget, Medicaid and Medicare, the graying of Iowa, and other areas of concern to caucus goers. The press reception is planned for 3:45 to 5:45 p.m. in the third floor conference room of Carrie Chapman Catt Hall. The reception is open to the public; however space is limited. Those who are planning to attend should check the "today's news" section of Iowa State's World Wide Web site to find out whether the event is still scheduled.
(See http://www.iastate.edu/general/news.html on Web.)
Inside Iowa State
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Iowa State University
All rights reserved
Revised 2/9/96
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