Inside Iowa State
Feb. 9, 1996
P&S Council: Job appraisal guidelines delivered
by Anne Dolan
A new document, "Performance Appraisal Guidelines for Professional and Scientific and Merit System Staff," was distributed to deans, directors, department managers and DEOs last month.
The guidelines are a record of effective performance appraisal procedures that can be used by staff and their supervisors. The document includes information on training for supervisors provided by the Office of Human Resource Services. While the guidelines aren't a directive, President Martin Jischke has asked supervisors to com-plete appraisals with care and thoroughness.
The guidelines are based on the work of a P&S ad hoc committee appointed in the fall of 1994 to make recommendations for P&S performance appraisals. The work was edited and expanded by the human resources office, the vice president for business and finance and the President's Cabinet.
During its Feb. 1 meeting, the P&S Council requested that all P&S and merit employees receive a copy of the guidelines.
In other business, the council reviewed a proposed change to the P&S policy governing dismissal due to reorganization or financial conditions (pp. 18-20 in the P&S Handbook).
The new language allows for a termination notice period of less than 90 days only with the approval of the provost. In those instances, employees must be notified in writing at the beginning of their employment or at the time when the funding for their positions changes. The council's Policies and Procedures Committee, chaired by Lynette Shearer (4-2337) will review and respond to the proposed change.
The open forum preceding the meeting included a discussion of campus parking issues with Loras Jaeger, director of the department of public safety; Connie Colle, manager of the parking division; campus planner Cathy Brown; and Jim Gaunt, chair of the Transportation Advisory Council (TAC). A final draft of a parking survey and analysis done by Rich & Associates, Perrysburg, Ohio, was received last week, but has not yet been reviewed by the parking committee overseeing that process.
Gaunt, who has served on the TAC intermittently since 1980, advised the audience to be prepared to pay more for less convenient parking in the future. He predicted a loss of staff lots to pay-per-use lots, which primarily serve visitors and students. He also predicted a growth in remote lots with shuttle service to campus.
The next meeting of the P&S Council begins at 1 p.m. Thursday, March 7, in the Memorial Union Gold Room.
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