Inside Iowa State
Jan. 12, 1996
Help Center offered again
by Anne Dolan
The Provost's Office is expanding a student help center it piloted on the first day of classes last August. In response to suggestions received about the pilot project, a student help center will be staffed in 210 Beardshear for two days before classes resume, on Saturday, Jan. 13, and Monday, Jan. 15 (a university holiday).
The help center focuses on students new to Iowa State, but is intended to meet various beginning-of-the-semester needs faced by any student. It is one component in the university's larger student recruitment and retention effort.
"We're trying to ease some of that anxiety that comes with the beginning of a semester," said associate provost Edwin Lewis. "We learned last fall that offering this the first day of class was too late in some cases."The admissions, registrar, student financial aid and employment, dean of students, off-campus center, orientation, minority student affairs and international students and scholars offices will staff the center. Student Cyclone Aides also will be on hand to direct or take students to campus sites. Several other campus offices, including the residence department office in Friley, treasurer's office, telecommunications and the computation center, also will be open during designated help center hours, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday.
Parking spots along Morrill Road usually in 24-hour reserve will be reserved instead for students those days to make the help center services more convenient. Free coffee and donuts will be served to students in the first floor rotunda of Beardshear.
Inside Iowa State
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