Inside Iowa State
Jan. 12, 1996
Health carnival
The annual health assessment fair, sponsored by the Student Health Center, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25, in the Memorial Union Great Hall.
Carnival of Health '96 will offer free health information and screenings from campus, local, state and national exhibitors. Exhibits will range from ways to stay fit through recreation to cholesterol profiles to AIDS education.
In connection with the carnival, Mary Greeley Medical Center will provide four lipid profile screenings at costs of $5 to $11. Some profiles require a 12-hour fast.
Information about the Health Center's TraVax program also will be available. TraVax provides information about immunizations needed by those planning to travel abroad. The program automatically updates international immunization information based on current conditions.
Entertainment during the day will include the groups ISU Dance, Ballroom Dance Company and Scottish Country Dancers; a martial arts demonstration by the Hapkido Club; and an aerobic demonstration by Recreation Services. To promote the carnival, free apple cider, provided by Deal's Orchard, will be available at Beardshear and LeBaron from 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Jan. 24.
Inside Iowa State
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