Inside Iowa State
Jan. 12, 1996
Extension vice provost search opens
by Anne Dolan
Iowa State has opened its search to find a vice provost for extension. James Melsa, dean of the College of Engineering, is chair of the search committee. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, with a review of applications beginning March 15. University officials hope to fill the position by July 1.
The vice provost for extension plays a major role in coordinating and administering the university's outreach effort, working closely with the provost, vice provost for research and the deans of the eight colleges to integrate that effort with teaching and research programs.
Joining Melsa on the committee are: Joseph Borgen, Ankeny, president of Des Moines Area Community College; Carol Bradley, director of government relations; Chris Brown, professor and chair of veterinary clinical sciences; Rhonda Christensen, Storm Lake, Buena Vista County extension education director; Beverly Crabtree, dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences; Lois Hunt, Ottumwa, Southeast Iowa area extension director; Stu Huntington, associate professor of community and regional planning; Molly Ketchum, Rowan, County Extension Council member; Joseph Kurth, director of 4-H and Youth; Don Latham, Alexander, farmer and businessman; Carl Neifert, Winterset, field specialist in Cooperative Extension; Augie Ralston, professor of finance; Mark Settle, Cedar Rapids, field specialist in Cooperative Extension; David Topel, dean of the College of Agriculture; Diane Weiland, Greenfield, chair of Citizens for Extension; and David Williams, farmer and president of the Wallace Foundation.
Also serving on the committee are Associate Provost Edwin Lewis (ex-officio) and Peggy Woodley (staff).
Interested persons should submit a letter of application, curriculum vita and the names and telephone numbers of five references to: James Melsa, chair, Vice Provost for Extension Search Committee, Office of the Provost, 107 Beardshear. Nominations also may be sent to Melsa or to any committee member.
The vice provost vacancy was created in June, when Robert Anderson resigned to teach in the electrical and computer engineering department. Nolan Hartwig, professor of veterinary clinical sciences, is serving as interim vice provost for extension.
Inside Iowa State
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