Inside Iowa State
Jan. 12, 1996
Proposals for Honors seminars for 1996-97 will be accepted through Feb. 8. Honors seminars are open only to Honors students and provide an opportunity to examine topics of current or special interest. The one- to two-credit seminars are limited to 15 students and offered on a satisfactory/fail basis. For more information or to submit a proposal, contact the Honors Office, Osborn Cottage, 4-4371.
Junior and senior high school girls may be interested in a summer research intern-ship program sponsored by the Program for Women in Science and Engineering. Under the supervision of faculty, interns work on a specific research project in a science or engineering lab on campus.
Interns work approximately 40 hours per week for six weeks (June 10-July 19) and receive a stipend of $1,100. Cost to the participants includes travel, room and board.
The application deadline is Feb. 28. Information and applications were mailed to all Iowa high schools. For more information, contact the Program for Women in Science and Engineering, 210 Lab of Mechanics, 4-9964.
The Iowa State Center (Fisher Theater, Hilton Coliseum, Scheman Conference Center and C. Y. Stephens Auditorium) became smoke-free Jan. 1. People who wish to smoke during events will be directed to the nearest outdoor area, and readmitted.
The Interfraternity Council reports that fraternity chapters at Iowa State raised $28,382 during 1995. In addition, 1,607 fraternity members provided 7,986 volunteer hours to philanthropic projects during the year.
Group study abroad proposals for summer are due Feb. 20 in the Study Abroad Center, 5 Hamilton. Applications must first be approved by department executive officers and deans. For more information, call the center, 4-6792.
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Inside Iowa State
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Revised 1/11/96
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