Several Review Succeeding With Students Exercise by Diana Pounds Several faculty and staff have participated in "test runs" of the Succeeding With Students learning exercise. Their responses and suggestions helped organizers shape the learning exercise, which will be conducted campus-wide in November. Inside Iowa State recently asked some of the participants what they thought of the exercise. Several of their responses follow: "I thought it was a great experience. I really enjoyed it and learned about things I thought I already knew. Communication among faculty, P&S people and merit staff is always useful. I've just got this inherent belief that bringing yourself up to date and increasing communication among people whose goals are pretty much the same has to be a good thing." -- Richard Seagrave, professor, chemical engineering "The sessions may bring a feeling of belonging and mutual interest to sectors of the community that may feel somewhat marginal at the moment, and it definitely will increase people's understanding of how the place operates as far as constraints and opportunities. I would urge that people be open-minded and look at this as an opportunity to try something new." -- John McKinney, AFSCME Local 870 chief steward, and custodian, facilities planning and management "I liked the process a lot, because it was different and because I learned something. I gained a clearer view about why things happen the way they do, particularly decision making related to financing. I also appreciated the opportunity to be in a small group that was very diverse, basically a broad brush of the types of people who make up the university." -- Darlene Gluck, P&S Council president, and manager, IPRT facilities, engineering and safety More comments will be included in the Oct. 13 issue of Inside Iowa State. _____ contact: Diana Pounds, Internal Communications, (515) 294- 4845 updated: 9-29-95