day of class

Aug. 25

Cruising into fall semester

Campus came alive Monday morning, with faculty, staff and students -- more than 29,000 of them -- back to begin the academic year.

Aug. 25

Search efforts on track for leadership posts

Iowa State will welcome new leaders to several key positions in the next 10 months, and search committees either continued or started their work over the summer. Read a brief update on the status of five leadership posts.



Aug. 25

Q&A with P&S Council president Dan Burden

Additional professional development opportunities, a budget model review and new awards for professional and scientific staff are a few P&S Council priorities outlined by council president Dan Burden.

Aug. 25

State Gym reopening delayed; student fee will be partially credited

Due to a delay in the delivery of construction materials, the remodeled State Gym and its 94,000 square-foot addition will not open until spring semester, prompting university officials to credit a portion of student fees this semester.

Steve Freeman


Aug. 25

Q&A with Faculty Senate president Steve Freeman

Senate president Steve Freeman said the presidential search, academic restructuring and the need for more faculty to meet the demands of increased enrollment numbers will be among the group's top issues this year.

Aug. 19

Campaign generates $867 million

ISU's most successful fund-raising effort -- "Campaign Iowa State" -- brought in more than $867 million in gifts and commitments. Campaign funds will go toward scholarships, faculty positions, academic programs, building projects and more.