Stephens crew

March 10

Stephens' stagehands are among the best

There are no awards or accolades for the hard work stagehand crews endure before, during and after big productions, but the Stephens Auditorium crew, consisting of mostly ISU students, knows it's among the fastest in the nation.

March 10

Senate squeezes in other business around continued policy debate

Revisions to the early tenure review policy were approved, and three other items were introduced at the March 8 Faculty Senate meeting. Discussion of proposed changes to the post-tenure review and conduct policies will continue next month.

years at ISU

50 years at Iowa State

March 10

50 years of service ... each

Paul Ness and John Verkade were honored for 50 years of service to Iowa State. Ness is a senior research technician with the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory, and Verkade is a University Professor of chemistry.

March 10

Council debates salary recommendation

Professional and Scientific Council members are considering a stance on FY12 salary adjustments that would recommend salary increases despite the possibility of position cuts. The resolution, introduced at the March 3 council meeting, will be up for a vote April 7.

Where's Bob

Where's Bob?

March 10

Where's Bob?

Do you know where university photographer Bob Elbert spotted this (former) doorway?

March 10

Ombuds office creates online resource guide

A new online resource for ISU employees was built with software designed for creating class resource guides.

March 10

Section of Union Drive will close during spring break

Construction work will close a portion of Union Drive and reroute CyRide buses during spring break, beginning March 12.