
May 6

Beardshear, reimagined

Iowa State alumnus Manmeet Gill manipulated colors, shadows and highlights in his artistically rendered photograph of Beardshear Hall.

Mark Licht

Mark Licht

May 6

Agronomist uses relationships, research to boost Iowa ag

ISU Extension field specialist Mark Licht puts in the extra miles in west central Iowa to assist farmers and encourage collaborative on-farm research projects as part of ISU's Corn and Soybean Initiative.

May 6

Senate concludes year with new elimination policy

In a long-awaited vote at the May 4 Faculty Senate meeting, senators approved new policies governing the termination of faculty positions when programs are eliminated or financial exigency is declared.

May 6

$3.5 million available for individual salary increases next year

University leaders have carved out $3.5 million from new, permanent state funds in FY11 for individual faculty and P&S staff salary increases that address equity, merit or retention.



May 6

Yet another job for Cy

Sports fan, parade entry, picnic guest. Mascot Cy -- albeit a 2-D version of him -- has a new assignment on central campus: Offering directions to pedestrians.

May 6

Reminder: Morrill Road closes Monday for the summer

Morrill Road between Osborn and Union drives is being replaced this summer; work begins May 10. Pedestrians will be able to navigate the construction zone, and alternative plans are in place for deliveries, parking and CyRide's orange shuttle route.