Where's Bob?

Dec. 3

Where's Bob?

Do you know where university photographer Bob Elbert spotted this truism?

Dec. 3

Guidelines for FY11 budget planning

Executive vice president and provost Elizabeth Hoffman outlines the strategy for developing ISU's next few budgets in the face of declining state funding and anticipated declining enrollments.

Campus crows

Campus crows

Dec. 3

Crow countermeasures

Laser and sound shows are in the bag of tricks that facilities planning and management staff use to keep crows from feeling at home on campus.

Dec. 3

Recycle your phonebooks ... now

Locate the phonebook recycling area in your building before Dec. 11. Starting Dec. 14, campus services staff will pick up used phonebooks -- ISU and commercial -- for recycling.

Dec. 3

Stay on the right side of the gift law

The Iowa Gift Law, which applies to all state employees, puts limits on what you can give to, and receive from, coworkers and vendors.


ISU compost facility

Dec. 3

Environmental aromatherapy

The ISU compost facility is a collaborative campus effort to convert organic waste and expand sustainability efforts. One year into operation, it has converted more than 8,000 tons of manure into more than 3,000 tons of compost used in campus research plots, flower beds and landscaping.

Dec. 3

Sustainability symposium details

ISU's second annual Symposium on Sustainability is Feb. 23-24, 2010. Details about speakers, schedules and activities are now available.