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Nov. 3, 2006


Flu shot clinic

The flu shot clinic available to ISU faculty and staff ends Nov. 18. Flu shots are given weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 205 Technical and Administrative Service Facility. Limited parking is available. For information, call 4-0874.

Fall Presidential Lecture

Landscape architecture professor Mira Engler will discuss her ideas on critical design and present examples of her work. "Critical Landscapes: From Pork Barrels to Otherworldly Dumps and Gardens," will begin at 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 6, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. A reception and poster display will precede the lecture at 7 p.m. in the South Ballroom.

Lecture on loneliness

Daniel Russell, professor of human development and family studies, will talk about loneliness -- measures, predictors and consequences -- from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Mahlstede Building, Reiman Gardens. His talk is part of the pre-game "Brain Food" lecture series offered by the College of Human Sciences. To register, e-mail

Snow blower service is Nov. 10-11

The annual snowblower service days will be held Friday, Nov. 10 (1-5 p.m.) and Saturday, Nov. 11 (8 a.m.-2 p.m.). Service costs $25 and includes new oil, sparkplug and gas and a cleaned air filter. Drop-off is in the Davidson courtyard, or pickup/delivery is available for $15. Call Jake Miller, 450-0011, or Sylvia Anderson, 4-1434, by 2 p.m. Nov. 9 to request delivery service. E-mail questions to This is a joint project of the Ag Systems Technology Club and student members of the American Society of Ag and Biological Engineers.

Etiquette dinner

The HRIM Club will hold its second annual Etiquette Dinner from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, in the Tearoom, MacKay Hall. The menu will include blue cheese mousse on a beef croustade, French onion soup, apple cider vinaigrette salad, prime rib partnered with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, and vanilla bean cheesecake. Dining etiquette instruction will be provided by HRIM faculty. Anyone from the university community may participate. Tickets are $20 and available in 6A MacKay or by contacting Frank Freeman, 572-4296. All proceeds will be donated to the Ames Emergency Shelter.

Fund-raiser for Friendships International

ISU's Friendships International program will receive 20 percent of sales at Ames' Worldly Goods store (223 Main Street) on Thursday, Nov. 9 (5-8 p.m.). The program unites international students with American families to learn about the other's culture.

A tour of murals

Join University Museums on a free tour of campus murals. Meet in the Durham lobby at noon Nov. 15.

Construction changes traffic at Vet Med

Work at the College of Veterinary Medicine campus has redirected traffic while sewer and storm water lines are relocated. If you are going to the child care center, college administration offices, small animal hospital, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory or student parking area, use the west entrance (Christensen Drive, now "Entrance B") from South 16th Street. For the large animal hospital or loading dock area, use the east entrance ("Entrance A") from South 16th Street. Traffic routing will vary depending on construction, so be aware of road signs.

Watch the construction progress on the FP&M Webcam.