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Inside Iowa State, a newspaper for faculty and staff, is published by the Office of University Relations.

July 2, 2004


Innovation award

Jay Harmon, ISU Extension agricultural engineer, is part of a four-state, Extension research team that developed a ventilation workshop series that earned the National Pork Board's "Innovation in Education/Extension" Award. The team developed a one-day workshop using a mobile ventilation laboratory designed and constructed at South Dakota State University. Extension swine specialists and engineers present classroom demonstrations in the facility for workers at hog confinement facilities.

Honorary scientist

Hongwei Xin, professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering, has been named an honorary scientist with the Republic of Korea's Rural Development Administration, a government organization responsible for agricultural research and extension in Korea. Xin will share his expertise in animal environment control, with a focus on poultry.

Kids count

Special Collections, Iowa State University Library, won the National History Day Kids Count! award for providing access to primary documents for K-12 researchers in Iowa. Two Iowa project participants (who used the department's collections on George Washington Carver and Roswell Garst) went on to national competition. Faculty attended a special awards presentation at the State Historical Society in Des Moines. The department also won the award in 2001.

Web site

The Telecommunications Web site has been selected as an Association for Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education site. Iowa State is one of two schools recognized during the second quarter of 2004 for its effective Internet site.

Guest editor

Robert Anex, associate professor of agriculture and biosystems engineering, was guest editor for a special issue of the Journal of Industrial Ecology. The issue, Industrial Ecology of Biobased Products, explored the growing interest in the use of biomass for energy and biobased products.

Counseling award

Donald Zytowski, professor emeritus of psychology, has been named the Leona Tyler Award winner by the Society of Counseling Psychology for "his contributions to the field of career counseling and development and for his long and illustrious career in counseling psychology."


Honors are printed in Inside on a space-available basis. More honors may be found on the online honors page at