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Inside Iowa State
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February 27, 2004

Training for Web-based hiring system starts March 2

by Diana Pounds
A new Web-based hiring system that goes into effect March 1 will automate much of the paperwork involved in recruiting and hiring Iowa State employees. It also will make it easier for applicants to search ISU vacancy lists, submit applications online and monitor the status of their applications.

For employers
Vacancy notices will be submitted through an online form at and routed electronically for approval and posting. The system will:
  • Allow hiring supervisors to use job-specific, pre-screening questions as part of the electronic application process to assist in screening applicants.
  • Give supervisors, search committee members and others involved in hiring immediate online access to the pool of applicants and to applications as they are submitted.
  • Provide electronic tracking of applicant information and statistics.

For applicants
Applicants will view all vacancies at They will be able to search and sort vacancies in a variety of ways.

Those seeking professional and scientific, merit and contract positions will be able to apply online. They will receive immediate confirmation that applications were received and can check the status of their applications through the Web site. For now, faculty applicants will continue to submit application materials by mail or e-mail directly to hiring departments.

Training sessions
Training sessions for those who initiate vacancy announcements or approve hiring decisions will be offered. The first, a three-hour workshop on the ISU online hiring system, will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, March 2, in 81 Durham. Register for the workshop online through AccessPlus (professional development registration under the "employee" tab, then ISU online hiring system). Repeats of the session will be scheduled soon.

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Published by: University Relations,
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