Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
August 27, 1999

United Way, Habitat for Humanity campaigns merge with $200,000 goal

by Anne Dolan
Two of the big fall fund-raising efforts at Iowa State -- the annual United Way campaign and the Homecoming Habitat for Humanity project -- have been wed into a single campaign this year. The total goal for the Iowa State community is $200,000 -- $30,000 of which will help build a four-plex near downtown Ames for homeless people.

Last year, Iowa State employees and students contributed a record $165,000 to United Way of Story County and $25,000 to Habitat for Humanity.

"I know these are aggressive goals for both organizations, but philanthropy is one of the marks that defines communities," said Murray Blackwelder, vice president for external affairs and co-chair of the campus drive with junior Scott Berscheid.

The campaign opens with a continental breakfast Wednesday, Sept. 8, in the Memorial Union Gallery. Pledge cards, which have been revised this year to include both United Way and Habitat for Humanity, are due Nov. 30. Payroll deduction is an option for gifts to either organization.

This fall is the third in which ISU students have adopted a local Habitat project as part of Homecoming events. Construction of the four-plex on South Kellogg Avenue will begin during Homecoming week, Oct. 24-30. Total cost of the project is about $180,000, Blackwelder said. Additional funds have been raised privately.

Higher participation rates also remain a goal of the campus campaign. Typically, about one in three Iowa State employees contributes to the United Way campaign.

Blackwelder said he encourages past non-givers to consider a pledge of $5 per month.

"If everyone gave a small gift, we'd reach our goal quickly," he said.

Diana Pounds, University Relations,
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