Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
June 11, 1999

Salary increases will average 4 percent

Pay hikes for faculty and staff next fiscal year are expected to average approximately 4 percent.

A state appropriation of nearly $10.5 million will provide funds for a university-wide average salary increase of approximately 4 percent for most faculty and staff, said Rab Mukerjea, assistant to the president for budget planning and analysis. However, the state funds do not cover salary and benefit increases that correspond to federal formula funds and reimbursed indirect costs. Additional internal reallocations of approximately $150,000 will compensate for these unfunded pay increases within the Cooperative Extension Service and general university.

Pay raises and salary policies are subject to final approval by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. Supervisors will let faculty and staff know about their pay increases following final approval of next year's budget by the regents at their July 14-15 meeting, Mukerjea said.

Faculty and P&S staff

All allocated funds will be used only for pay increases for continuing faculty and professional and scientific staff. Administrators at each level are responsible for addressing equity or market issues and in doing so, may choose to allocate the funds differentially among units and staff, Mukerjea said.

According to salary guidelines, faculty and P&S staff who are meeting performance expectations will receive salary increases of at least 1.33 percent, or one-third of the university-wide average increase. Salary increases above the minimum will be awarded on the basis of merit, equity or market considerations.

The increase for faculty promoted to professor in FY2000 will rise $200, to $2,400. Increases for promotion at the other two levels also will go up $200 -- to $2,100 for associate professor and $1,800 for assistant professor.

The P&S pay matrix minimums and maximums have been adjusted, based on market conditions, Mukerjea said. The minimum and maximum salary levels in the P&S pay matrix will be increased by 2 and 3 percent, respectively, Mukerjea said. (See related story on page 4.)

As fierce competition for information technology staff continues, higher-than-average pay hikes again will be permitted for these P&S staff, Mukerjea said. Employees in information technology jobs may receive pay hikes of up to 10 percent or to the mid-point of their pay grades. Increases above the 4 percent university-wide average can be funded, to the extent necessary, by reallocation of funds within the affected units.

Merit employees

As a result of the collective bargaining agreement reached this year, the salary matrices and steps for contract-covered merit employees have been revised. The allocation necessary to provide increases to merit employees is based on approximately 3 percent of their salary base plus 1 percent for step increases. However, individual increases will vary widely, depending on several factors associated with moving to the new matrices, Mukerjea said.

Supervisory merit employees will receive salary increases that are comparable to other merit employees, he added.

Graduate assistants

The FY2000 monthly stipend for half-time graduate assistants ranges from $1,000 to $1,750. This represents a 2.6 percent increase in the minimum stipend level, while the maximum remains the same.

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