Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
May 21, 1999

Faculty approves post-tenure review

by Linda Charles

The post-tenure review policy approved by the general faculty last month is "supported 100 percent" by the administration, said interim provost Richard Seagrave at the May 4 Faculty Senate meeting, "and I strongly suspect the regents will like it as well."

The general faculty approved the post-tenure review policy by 639 to 248, with 52.3 percent of the faculty voting. Last year, the general faculty voted down a different post-tenure review policy by 431 to 390, with 52.5 percent of the faculty casting ballots.

The policy must receive final approval by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, before it can go into effect. Iowa State is the only one of the three state universities without such a policy.

The policy calls for post-tenure review at least every seven years, but leaves the details of the reviews up to individual departments.

A breakdown by college shows the majority of those voting in every college favored the policy:

College Yes No % voting
Agriculture 139 64 63.23
Business 30 12 63.63
Design 37 9 49.46
Education 37 11 36.44
Engineering 74 37 48.05
FCS 53 9 56.36
LAS 219 92 49.44
Vet Med 50 14 50.39
Total 639 248 52.3

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