Preliminary Budget Up 3 Percent Iowa State's general fund operating budget for FY96 is expected to be $316 million, a 3.3 percent increase over the current year. The Iowa Board of Regents approved the preliminary budget last week. Final approval is expected at the July 19 regents meeting. The budget includes $5.1 million in new and reallocated funds, which will be directed toward strategic planning, and faculty and staff pay increases that are expected to average 4 percent. Salary guidelines call for faculty and P&S staff who are meeting performance expectations to receive salary increases of at least 1.3 percent. Larger raises will be based on merit or equity or market considerations. Merit employees will receive 3 percent pay hikes July 1 and subsequent step increases for which they are eligible. The regents also increased the mileage reimbursement rate for ISU employees who do not have access to a university pool car to 28 cents per mile (from the previous 24 cents per mile). The rate remains at 21 cents per mile if a pool car is available. ISU officials had requested that the rate be the maximum allowed by the IRS, which currently is 30 cents per mile. Officials maintain the current rates don't cover actual costs of operating a vehicle and particularly disadvantage extension staff who must use their own vehicles for business. _____ contact: Internal Communications, (515) 294-7065 updated: 6-16-95